The CEEC USA is a province within the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches serving the United States and abroad.
Convergence Worldview
CEEC USA values the movement towards unity in the Church. This unity blends the major streams of the Christian faith; Scripture, Spirit, and Sacrament. We call this movement Convergence.
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A Worldwide Communion
The CEEC USA is a province within the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches (CEEC). The CEEC is a communion of churches and provinces held together by basic Instruments of Unity. Together we are exploring opportunities to bridge the historical, liturgical, and apostolic ministry with modern contexts.
Ancient Future Bishop
by Bishop Quintin Moore
Ancient Future Bishop is a reflection on a journey of discovery full of gratitude and wonder. Bishop Moore's story reminds us that our traumas and losses, as well as our triumphs and joy, are all seeds full of potential for a redemptive destiny that can serve the good of the world.
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